Exciting news! – Mamma Mia! The Musical is making a grand comeback to Hong...
Introducing the latest episode of the SwedCham podcast today! For those intrigued by the prospect...
STIPENDIUM FÖR PRAKTIKPLATS VID SVENSKA HANDELSKAMMAREN I HONGKONG Göteborgs Handelshögskolefonds stipendiestiftelse utlyser i samarbete med...
SwedCham member and Nordic Fine dining restaurant Embla recently announced its 2023 seasonal spring menu,...
Interested in being a part of SwedCham‘s committees? Swedcham is now looking for members interested...
Business Sweden is currently hiring a cantonese/mandarin-speaking intern to join the team in Hong Kong....
Happy New Year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members and...
On December 2, Hong Kong daily newspaper The Standard published an article featuring Swedish truck...
SwedCham HK is looking for the next scholar! The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong...
"3+4" scheme introduced for inbound travellers As reported by local media, The HKSAR Government recently...
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